
Guildford Slimming Centre

A healthy, active lifestyle starts with balanced nutrition

Do you lack the energy, focus and stamina you need to meet all of your daily challenges?

Life can often be non-stop, with the need to juggle many different tasks everyday. As you become more and more busy, with less and less time for rest and relaxation, it’s possible to find yourself lacking in energy, feeling lethargic or unable to concentrate fully on the things you need to.

In the world of medicine, science and nutrition the link between good nutrition and good health has long been recognised. It would be virtually impossible to enjoy a healthy lifestyle over the long term without focusing on the foods you put into your body on a daily basis.

Identifying where the imbalances lie is the first step to feeling fit and healthy again. Start with a FREE Wellness Check.

Our 30 minute FREE Wellness Check will look at your current diet and lifestyle and can highlight a number of the common causes of low energy. Unlike traditional slimming centre, members receive a full body analysis (don’t worry, it takes a few seconds and you don’t need to get undressed!) which allows us to monitor, amongst other things: Weight, Body Fat % , Hydration Levels, Muscle Mass, Bone Mass, Metabolic Rate, Metabolic Age and Visceral (Internal) Fat Levels.

Simple dietary changes can make all the difference, or you may need a little more support…

Natural solutions to help you

We have a range of natural nutritional solutions which, when used as a supplement to healthy eating, can ensure you feel energized throughout the day. Our Cellular Nutrition program will help detoxify and cleanse the system, removing toxins that would otherwise linger in the body for a long time, causing stress to your body’s systems.

Our team at Guildford Slimming Centre are Personal Wellness Coaches with the global health and nutrition company, Herbalife International, whose mission is to promote ‘healthy active lifestyles’ in our communities and improve the nutritional habits of individuals around the world.

Book your FREE Wellness Check in Guildford

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